Saturday, April 26, 2008

Okay, Maybe You Can Go Home Again, But Only For a Few Months

Because it seems like that's what everyone's doing. David leaves today to return home and then off to Toronto to begin a new and exciting life in the big city. Cam leaves mid-May to go home for the summer and then off to Waterloo for a new and exciting university degree. Meanwhile I must hold down the fort in Windsor, my extensive job search allows no time for jaunting off to visit loved ones. At least I assume it doesn't, to be honest I haven't done much extensive job searching yet. That all changes Monday. Armed with a new and improved resume (now containing less than 20% lies by volume) I shall take the world of work by storm. I predict I'll be running this town within the month.
But back to the core values of this blog: the minutiae of daily life between myself and Cam, hereafter referred to as "The Boat" for reasons that will soon become clear(er), with a nearly horizontal editorial slant to make myself look better. After some five years of friendship The Boat and I have finally obtained nicknames. His, ripped off from an episode of Scrubs (s2e18 My T.C.W.) and adopted largely on my recommendation, has already received airplay on the university radio station. At least I assume it did, I didn't actually listen to the program. My new nickname on the other hand, is completely original, and was developed in a short enough exchange that I can transcribe it below:

The Boat: "What am I gonna have to eat?"
Me: *says nothing*
about a minute passes, much pacing and looking about by The Boat
TB: "Stir Fry!"
Me: "What did you call me?"
TB: "I didn't actually call you anything but I'm going to from now on, Stir Fry"
Stir Fry: "Stir Fry is actually a pretty cool nickname"
TB: *smirks*
SF: "I just have no idea what it could possibly mean"
TB: "Whatever"

And there you have it, a fascinating insight into our exciting lives!

You watched it, you can't un-watch it

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You Can't Go Home Again

Alas, I can put it off no longer: I must sadly report that the Spoon concert redux was not as good as the original. It wasn't bad mind you, but no, it wasn't even really close to as good. You know what? Just typing these things in is making me feel so goddamn emo I could cry. And then write about it in my journal.

Wait a minute....

Remainder of this post cancelled due to self-awareness