Saturday, June 28, 2008

Okay, looks like it's safe

Now I can say whatever the hell I want about Cam. Unfortunately, he doesn't live here anymore so I don't have any new stories anyway. Guess we'll have to settle for posting about my experiences, which are far more interesting in any case.
First and foremost I got a job, which allows me to keep living in the style to which I am accustomed (i.e. cheap food and bottled water with, every now and then, a new video game to sustain me).
While on the way to said job one morning, however, the bus I was on t-boned another bus, which had allegedly run a light. I escaped virtually unscathed, a couple of people suffered what looked like minor injuries to me and about a half hour later I was sitting at work as per usual (but with a new, and not very creative nickname: bus-boy, which does not seem to have stuck anyway). I've never been in a car accident before, unless you count the time I ran a guy off the road without even realizing it (but I don't count that one because I didn't even know it was going on at the time - if a tree falls in the woods etc. etc.), and the only piece of insight I've picked up now is that they are much louder than I had expected. Also, having to hold a complete stranger's hand until the ambulance shows up is a pretty trippy experience, I don't recommend it at all. It's one of those things you see in movies all the time but never expect to actually have to act out. Maybe next week I'll foil some robbers or something, that seems like it would be more fun.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cam Sucks

Now we'll see if he even still checks this space...