Friday, December 7, 2007

That's Right, I F***ed His Wife

Metaphorically speaking of course. I guess in the metaphor Cam's wife is Stephen Colbert's book "I Am America (And So Can You)" and book reviewing is having sex with. But what can I say? He wasn't satisfying her and she needed a real man/book reviewer.
Hilarious sex metaphor's aside though, everything else about Cam's re-review is atrocious. Just listen to this, "I agree with most of what Dan says in his review." What the hell does that mean? Most? I agree with everything I said, why doesn't he? And then he never divulges what these secret disagreements are! What else is he disagreeing with that he's not telling us about, huh? Very shady rhetoric.
Then he goes on to talk about some other books, one of which I read but never reviewed, and the other I've never even seen. Is he trying to prove something? Fine Cam, you've read more books than me, whoop-de-fuckin-doo. You still can't review worth shit/satisfy a woman.

By the way that "sweet sweet ribbon bookmark" he talks about? Fake.

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