Sunday, March 2, 2008

Le sigh

God damn Cam. Not only does he post in his blog again (forcing me to update as well) but he makes his post about Bill Maher, someone who bothers me more than any other comedy oriented political news analyst. Needless to say, I didn't actually read the post but I did make it halfway into the third paragraph before mounting disinterest overcame any polite curiosity. I once spent an entire afternoon and much of an evening listening to Bill Maher's show on Cam's television as I tried to concentrate on levelling up my Oblivion character. How someone can listen to that guy talk for five minutes let alone 6 or 7 hours is beyond me. Fortunately levelling in Oblivion is a process that encourages one to turn off most cognitive processes anyway, otherwise I might have done something rash.
Okay, so enough about political commentary and dull rpg's. Cam and I did, in fact, defeat the endless setlist on hard (I'm not nearly masochistic enough to want to play the solo in Flirtin' with Disaster on expert again (and also Cam has a tough time with the bonus songs (which we never play otherwise) as it is), I couldn't stand to get like 54 songs into the damn thing and then fail out because my star power wouldn't activate in time) and having done so the only major milestone left that I care about is getting a million fans. This will, unfortunately, necessitate playing on expert but at least we can choose songs that are actually enjoyable. This brings up another point in my mind: when I first bought the game I was disappointed there weren't more good songs available to download, now as I look at my meager finances and escalating credit card bill I desperately hope they release only shit from now on. Unless I can somehow convince Cam to waste money on intangible resources that he won't even be able to enjoy in another... shit, two months. le sigh
(download "The Spore Cult" from here and listen to the section around from 29:10 to 29:20 for unnecessary elaboration on this matter). Sorry I couldn't find a more convenient method to access that soundbite without you having to listen to the whole 50 minute podcast (which you should do anyway, really).

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